Emerging Business Leaders Alternative Board
Apr 06, 2018CORE Alternative Boards for Emerging Leaders
Membership Target: New Business Owners and Business Executives who are taking on a new role in the company. These can include the next generation of family members or managers who are faced with the transition from their current role to their desired future ownership role, as well as those executives who are preparing for a promotion from their current position.
Content Focus: While board meetings will include the most Contemporary, High Performance Business Principles Content, example of which is listed below, the agenda for these meetings will be driven by the issues that this group of leaders will be facing leading up to, during the transfer of and post transfer of the responsibilities of their leadership role or ownership position.
People and Systems Improvement
- High Performance Leadership Development
- Generational Related Communication Styles
- Driving Company Performance Through Employee Engagement
- Resolving Conflict
- Managing Change
- Emotional Intelligence
- Partnership Selling
The 8 Key Drivers of Company Value
- Growth Potential
- Hierarchy of Recurring and Sustainable Revenue
- Hub and Spoke vs. Collaboration and Engagement
- True Customer Loyalty
- Cash Management and The Valuation Teeter-Totter
- Monopoly Control, Your Differentiator
- Diversity and The Switzerland Structure
- Financial Performance, Profitability, Growth and Strong Reporting
Continuity and Transition Strategies
- Setting Transition Goals and Objectives
- Financial Resource Development
- Value Building and Protection
- Third Party Sale Evaluation, Improving the Businesses Salability and Bankability
- Inside Transfer Evaluation and Planning
- Continuity Planning
- Wealth and Estate Planning Strategies
Guest Speakers and Topics: Guest speakers and their topics will be driven by their relevance to the membership’s current projects, objectives and issues. All speakers will be vetted to assure that their content is relevant and valuable to the group and that they are prepared to address questions openly with the members.