CORE Value Drivers Assessment

Completing the CORE Value Drivers Assessment will help to evaluate your company on the 8 CORE Drivers of Value in the eyes if an Acquirer or an Investor. Whether you want to sell you company in the near future, or continue to run your business, focusing on these Key Drivers of Value will make your company more valuable as well as create the freedom and quality of life your deserve. 

Step 1 of 8

  1. What was your company's annual revenue (i.e. sales / turnover) IN US DOLLARS last year?
  2. What was your profit margin (before tax) in your most recent completed financial year? NOTE: Please adjust your profit margin to reflect a market rate salary for the owner(s). For example, if you withdrew $350,000 in compensation but you could hire someone to replace you for $120,000 then estimate what your profit margin would have been if you had only withdrawn $120,000.
  3. In the next 12 months, do you expect your revenue (i.e. sales / turnover) to
  4. Which of the following best describes your approach to financial record keeping?
  5. When comparing your most recently completed financial year with the previous year, did your revenue (i.e. sales / turnover):


Step 2 of 8

  1. Would you say that your industry is:
  2. Thinking about the market share for the products / services that you sell, do you sell to:
  3. Which of the following best describes the possibility of your company selling more to your existing customers?
  4. Which of the following best describes the typical level of customization which you offer your customers?:
  5. If customers were lined up at your door to buy, would you find delivering Two times the current volume of what you sell:
  6. Would replicating your business to serve a new geographical area be:
  7. Which of the following best describes your business model?:
  8. Please estimate your influence by calculating the total number of people who have opted in to receive information from you and/or your company in the form of signing up for your website (e.g. e-newsletter, email mailing list or blog), Twitter "Followers", Facebook "Fans", RSS subscribers or people who have added you to their Google Plus "circle"s


Step 3 of 8

  1. Please think of the person who contributes the most to each of the following areas of your business. How easy or difficult would it be to replace them? For section a) and b) if this person is YOU, select IMPOSSIBLE. a) Sales and marketing:
  2. Please think of the person who contributes the most to each of the following areas of your business. How easy or difficult would it be to replace them? For section a) and b) if this person is YOU, select IMPOSSIBLE. b) Product/Service design & delivery”:
  3. Please think of the person who contributes the most to each of the following areas of your business. How easy or difficult would it be to replace them? For section a) and b) if this person is YOU, select IMPOSSIBLE. c) External supplier. How easy or difficult would it be to replace your most important supplier?:
  4. What percentage of your overall revenue did your largest customer represent last year?:
  5. Which of the following best describes the potential impact of losing your largest customer. Would your business:


Step 4 of 8

  1. What is your typical gross profit margin? Gross profit margin is defined as the proportion (percentage) of money left over from sales (i.e. turnover/revenue) after accounting for the cost of goods sold. (For example, if your company sells a product for $200 and it costs your business $80 to buy the raw materials to make your product then your gross profit would be $120 and your gross profit margin would be 60%):
  2. Please select which of the following statements best describes your cash needs:
  3. How do you typically get paid by your customers?


Step 5 of 8

  1. What percentage of your sales/revenue (i.e., turnover) is “recurring”? Recurring is defined as subscriptions, maintenance contracts, or annuity streams that your customer must proactively turn off or cancel in order to stop receiving the product or service.


Step 6 of 8

  1. Which of the following best describes the exclusivity of your business to your customers:


Step 7 of 8

  1. Please estimate the percentage of your customers who are VERY SATISFIED with the services/products which your company provides:
  2. How often, if at all, do your existing customers refer your company to their friends and colleagues:
  3. In the last 12 months, what proportion of your customers complained in writing (e.g. email, letter, submission to your website)?:


Step 8 of 8

  1. What percentage of your company's revenue (i.e. sales / turnover) is undertaken personally by you or your fellow equity holders?:
  2. Which of the following best describes your management team?”:
  3. Which of the following best describes your personal relationship with your company's customers?:
  4. How would your business perform if you were out of action for 3 months and unable to work? Would it:


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